Crypto rich: Stories of successful investment

Investing in cryptocurrency is both profitable and risky. Today it is quite problematic to get rich at one point thanks to investments, of course, if you do not have an impressive deposit. However, history knows the lucky ones who invested in digital assets at a good time, after which they became dollar millionaires and billionaires – we will tell about them in this article.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Not surprisingly, Satoshi Nakamoto will open our list. This is the person (or group of persons) who came up with the first cryptocurrency. He has an impressive wallet with BTC at his disposal. Today, according to unconfirmed reports, he has about 1 million bitcoins.

The Winklevoss Brothers

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss own more than $1 billion in bitcoins, which is about 1% of the total volume of the first cryptocurrency. However, these are not all the achievements of the Winklevoss brothers. They are professional athletes who have participated in the Olympic Games and even won prizes. But the fame came to them not because of sports, but thanks to the lawsuit against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The point was that they wanted to be compensated for the idea of a social network. The court proceedings ended with the brothers suing $65 million. Of the total amount, the brothers decided to invest $ 11 million in the first cryptocurrency in 2013. At that time, the price of the first cryptocurrency was $123 per BTC. After that, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss become the founders of the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange.

Matthew Roszak

One of Bloq’s co-founders, Matthew Roszak, invested in the first cryptocurrency in 2011, when its price was minimal. Such earlier investments brought him about $1 billion. Matthew Roszak also claims to have provided investment assistance to Bill Clinton and billionaire Richard Branson.

Kingsley Advani

In 2012, a data specialist from a small company, Kingsley Advani, learned about bitcoin from a friend. At that time, the cryptocurrency was used mainly by criminals and nothing indicated a successful outcome of events for the crypto industry. However, Advani has seen the potential of bitcoin and decides to invest all his funds in cryptocurrency. As a result, he was able to invest $34,000. After a while, his risk was crowned with success, making Advani a millionaire. Today, he continues to invest in cryptocurrency, combining it with travel. He also acts as a consultant in the crypto industry.

Peter Saddington

Peter Saddington is today the technical director of VinWiki and the founder of the social network about the cryptocurrency He graduated from the University of Florida, where he studied computer science. Peter learns about the first cryptocurrency in one of the articles on the Internet, where the fall in prices for digital gold was discussed. He became interested in blockchain technology, after which Saddington began a thorough study of the crypto industry. Having gained technical knowledge, Peter takes a risk and buys more than 1,000 BTC. At that time, one BTC was worth $2.52. It’s easy to imagine how rich he got during the rise of bitcoin. Saddington gets widespread popularity after he sells 45 BTC and buys a Lamborghini Huracan with the proceeds.

Huai Yang

Before becoming a millionaire, Yang was engaged in consulting in Beijing. When he finds out about bitcoin, he wants to start trading, but he didn’t have the money for it. After a while, he was able to accumulate the necessary amount and started trading. Things went quite well, today Yan manages to earn more than 1 million yuan per month (more than 10 million rubles) from trading. But despite all this, he remains of the opinion that cryptocurrency is needed only for trading.

Jeremy Gardner

The debate about the anonymity of cryptocurrencies and the use of bitcoin in illegal cases interested Gardner. In 2013, he decided to purchase a cryptocurrency, but there were not enough funds for this, and Gardner used the help of a friend. After buying bitcoin, an intensified immersion in the market began, however, due to the fact that Gardner lacked proper guidance, he could not fully assess the potential of digital assets. However, this did not prevent him from realizing in 2014 that the cryptocurrency would remain for a long time. He decides to invest several thousand dollars in bitcoin and it has borne fruit. After a short period of time, his condition doubled. Such an increase in the deposit greatly encouraged him and he continued to invest and study the market. Now he is a Bitcoin millionaire.

Jeremy Gardner has an impressive mansion, which is located in San Francisco. The community gave this mansion a name – cryptolocker. Crypto enthusiasts often gather there and discuss digital assets. According to Gardner, almost all the people who lived in this estate for at least some time soon became millionaires.

Charlie Shrem

The story of Charlie Shrem began in 2011, when he was a senior in college. Then he was interested in computers and when Charlie finds out about blockchain, he literally falls in love with it. Starting to study the market, Shrem buys thousands of bitcoins along the way at a minimum cost. The entrepreneurial streak that woke up in Charlie began to demand a reliable place where it would be possible to trade digital assets. Therefore, he decides to organize his own cryptocurrency exchange, which he calls BitInstant. Now anyone could buy bitcoins for fiat on it. Later, the project began to attract crypto enthusiasts, including the Winklevoss brothers. This makes Charlie a successful businessman and an influential figure in the crypto industry.

Olaf-Carlson Vi

The first purchase of bitcoin from Olaf-Carlson Vi failed. At that moment, the first cryptocurrency fell from $16 to $2. However, Vi did not get upset and give up, he believed that bitcoin would still manifest itself in the future. After such a failure, he sends a resume to Coinbase. The company’s management is interested in Carlson and decides to hire him, but with one condition that he will receive a salary in the crypt. V is satisfied with this and he gets a job. Carlson’s duties were to monitor market charts, so he could easily see how the first cryptocurrency was starting to get more expensive. By this point, he had already accumulated enough coins to become a millionaire.


This is not a complete list of people who have caught the moment to successfully invest in digital assets. However, looking at them, you can understand that even an unsuccessful first investment should not stop you, because white stripes usually begin behind black stripes. Therefore, to start trading digital assets today, you can pay attention to the RevenueBot service. The service provides the opportunity to create trading bots on the largest cryptocurrency exchanges: Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Exmo and others. Creating a bot is free of charge, the service will not take commissions until the client begins to make a profit from trading the bot. With the help of deep settings of the bot, the service’s clients implement trading strategies that are problematic to experience in normal trading. We will immediately indicate: the bot does not have access to customer funds on the exchange, but trades using API keys, that is, the account will remain out of access. RevenueBot has over 28 thousand customers who earn money thanks to trading bots.

Why should I choose this service?

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  • Inside RevenueBot, a marketplace is implemented where customers can buy a ready-made bot so as not to bother creating their own, or sell their own if the configuration has shown efficiency. Also, the services of a mentor (an experienced customer of the service) are purchased on the marketplace, who is ready to answer the questions of newcomers. Over time, you can become a mentor yourself, getting additional profit for this.
  • Regular updates of the service’s features that optimize the trading process.
  • The presence of the RevenueBot referral program allows you to earn money on trading, even without resorting to trading. Attract new customers for the service and get up to 30% of the profit they receive every month (but not more than 15 USD).

This is a small list of the advantages of the service. You can continue to list the positive qualities of RevenueBot, but why do this if you can go to the official website of the service and see for yourself everything? It is highly recommended to make decisions faster, because the crypto market does not stand still, but grows at exorbitant steps. Who knows how much profit is missed by someone who does not dare to come and start trading with RevenueBot.


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