This article will help you to choose the most appropriate and effective cryptocurrency trading pair.
Let’s take a look at the new indicators presented in a summary table if you click on the [Volatility Indicators] button of the tab menu on the left hand side of the user dashboard.
Continue reading “Choosing what Cryptocurrency Pairs to Trade”
How to create your first trading bot (for Binance)
This guide will help you to create and manage your first bot. Please read the instruction and follow the steps.
First of all, login to, then enter menu “Bots”
Open menu “CREATE NEW BOT”
Continue reading “How to create your first trading bot (for Binance)”
How to create API on Binance and add it to RevenueBOT
1. Please log in your Binance account with a secure network environment:
2. Go to Binance User Center (you can also click on account button in top right conor of the page and enter “User Center” from the menu)
Continue reading “How to create API on Binance and add it to RevenueBOT”
RevenueBot BETA launch
We are happy to announcethatwe will be launching our new RevenueBot Trading Platform Beta 1.0. The new platform comes with a new and improved responsive design and lots of additional new features!
Signup and start making money.