In addition to digital art objects, NFT tokens can also include many other objects, such as: real estate, a stock offer, and a legal contract. In early 2021, non-interchangeable tokens began to gain popularity worldwide. By 2022, an entire independent NFT industry had formed. This is evidenced by the growth of trading volume on the largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea. In this article, we have compiled a selection of the most unusual and interesting NFT tokens that currently exist.
NFT tweet
Former Twitter CEO and founder Jack Dorsey put the social network’s very first publication up for sale as a nonreciprocal token. Sina Estavi, founder of Bridge Oracle, bought this NFT for $2.9 million.
NFT action
In the mid-summer of 2021, the Coca-Cola Company got the idea to present an NFT collection for International Friendship Day, which is celebrated on July 30. Those who managed to buy tokens gained access to the “friendship chest.” “The Friendship Box is a box similar to a soda machine, from which virtual collectibles fall out in random order.
Last year, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino decided to sell several cut scenes from Pulp Fiction in the form of a non-exchangeable token. In addition to these scenes, the director is also selling the original handwritten script and his own audio commentary on it. On January 17 this year, sales of Tarantino’s NFT tokens kicked off.
However, things didn’t go as smoothly as the director wanted. Miramax Film Company filed a lawsuit against Tarantino, accusing him of breach of contract, copyright and unfair competition. Despite this, Tarantino’s lawyer Brian Friedman denied all the accusations and said that his client has the right to release NFT-tokens on Pulp Fiction.
NFT movie
In April 2021, director and comic book creator Kevin Smith sold the horror film “Here Was Killroy” as a non-exchangeable token. Buy NFT will be vested with the rights to screen and distribute the film.
NFT house
Last spring, Ivan Malpik placed an NFT token tied to a fifty-percent stake in a residential house on the Mintable platform.
The investor was going to solve all the legal issues that would be involved in owning the house by creating an LLC. His idea was that the buyer of the token and Malpick would be able to own the property on equal terms.
The Metaflower digital boat is in The Sandbox game and floats in a virtual world. In this metaworld, players can create, monetize and sell virtual items. Thus, one user created a boat and decided to sell it. He managed to earn $650,000. The funny thing is that real yachts can cost much less.
In addition to successful NFT sales, there have been failures. One of them happened with an NFT painting that turned into a monetary loss for a cryptocurrency auctioneer. The Bored Apes collection is among the prestigious NFTs, the cheapest of which is worth $210,000.
The auctioneer had monkey number 3547. He planned to sell the painting for 75 ETH or a minimum of $300,000. However, before he placed the lot, he made a mistake. Instead of the desired 75 ETH, a number of 0.75 was set. Such a low price was picked up by trading bots, which are programmed to search for discounted goods.
As a result, a person who saw such a profitable offer, immediately took action. He paid a commission of 8 ETH to make sure the transaction was completed without delay. This was done so that no one would intercept the goods. Everything happened in a matter of minutes.
World’s first SMS
Neil Papworth, who is an engineer at Vodafone, sent the world’s first email to a colleague where he wrote “Merry Christmas”. This happened on December 3, 1992. The addressee was Richard Jarvis, it was on his Orbitel phone that the world’s first SMS came.
At that time, they could hardly have thought that their development would someday be sold for more than $100,000. However, at the Aguttes auction, Papworth’s message in the format of an NFT token was sold for $150,000. The buyer of the token decided to remain incognito.
The NFT market is quite extensive. Every day there are more and more different projects, among which there may be quite strange ideas. However, you should not write them off, because for each product, there can be a buyer.
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