Top books about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Last time we made a selection of films and TV shows about cryptocurrency. But since the directors have to fit all the information within an hour or two, they simply do not have enough timing to reveal all the interesting nuances. Therefore, this time we have selected for you the top books about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Digital Gold: the Incredible History of Bitcoin or how Idealists and Businessmen Reinvent Money

It will open our list of books written by journalist Nathaniel Popper, who works for The New York Times. It will be good for people who are just beginning to get to know the world of crypto assets. In it, the reader learns how an idea that can emerge from a few enthusiasts and be of interest only to them will eventually take over the entire population of the Earth. The book includes rather colorful characters who play a major role in the crypto world: a millionaire from Argentina; a businessman from China who founded Netscape; a physicist who later became a drug baron; playboys who sued Mark Zuckerberg; and intelligence agencies and prosecutors; The United States government – in general, it won’t be boring. Naturally, the book could not do without the mysterious creator of the first cryptocurrency, Satoshi Nakamoto. Is he really as anonymous as the general public believes? You will find all this on the page of the book.

The Era of Cryptocurrency

Two employees of the Wall Street Journal decided to write a book in which they tried to tell the essence of digital assets. They carefully analyze their origin, tell about the reasons that provoked humanity to start looking for an alternative to traditional currencies. They also, of course, affect the blockchain technology, which guarantees transparency and control. The authors of the book urge readers to be ready for a full-scale change both in the global financial system and in general, for changes in economic and political relations. In the near future, the times will begin, in which the “cyber economy” will prevail mainly, and digital assets will become the main means of money. The book will arouse the interest of those who have just started their acquaintance with cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin for dummies

According to the title of the book, we can conclude that its target audience is beginners. It is intended for those who are just beginning to explore the world of the crypto industry. This book will tell you what bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general are. How the network works, what is a blockchain, how to create a crypto wallet and what it is needed for. How you can protect your assets from intruders and a lot of other useful information that will be necessary for working with digital assets, the reader will be able to find on the pages of the book.

How money gained freedom

The book was written by a journalist from the publisher Entrepreneur Magazine, Brian Patrick Eha. He has been observing and analyzing the crypto market for five years, studying crypto security, and he was also interested in the topic of the ascent of the first cryptocurrency. Having gathered together all his knowledge, Brian decides to fit and present them in a printed version. Thanks to this, the reader will be able to learn on the pages of the book how the first cryptocurrency was created and its formation in the world economy. The book also highlights the names of famous people from the crypto industry. 

The book received high praise from its readers as well as critics. Many excerpts were published in various magazines. The author did not forget to mention the billionaires who made multi-million dollar investments in cryptocurrency. The people who created the cryptocurrency, of course, did not do so without Satoshi Nakamoto. There are also stories of world banks trying to “subdue” the entire crypto industry.

How money gained freedom is a fairly detailed collection of stories about digital assets.

The Internet of Money

This book is a collection of lectures by one of the most ardent popularizers of the first cryptocurrency. Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a specialist in bitcoin and cybersecurity. He has been lecturing for many years, in various countries of the world. The main purpose of the book is to collect all the popular lectures of Antonopoulos, in which he tells the general public the importance of bitcoin, why the creation of cryptocurrencies is a revolutionary decision and how they will affect the future of humanity. The book turned out to be quite fascinating, as the author tries to speak in simple language about complicated things. He masters the analogy of complex aspects of cryptocurrency to everyday life as well as world history. Antonopoulos objectively evaluates the crypto industry, so he does not forget to mention its shortcomings, which can be corrected, but always remains in the belief that the cryptographic future. Every lecture written in the book is individualized, but at the same time will be understood even by those who are just beginning to know the world of cryptocurrencies.

How to make money on cryptocurrencies and blockchain. We explain it on our fingers

The book was written by the Russian entrepreneur Andrei Ryabikh in collaboration with the lecturer of the course «Blockchain 2.0» Svetlana Rusova. Working in cryptocurrency for many years, authors easily talk about blockchain technology and share their experience with the reader. They make a good introduction to the inexperienced person by showing “on the fingers” how the cryptocurrency works, why it becomes more expensive or less valuable, and what factors influence digital assets. Since it is quite difficult for many novice traders to delve into the essence of the work of exchanges, choose between existing coins and often randomly invest their savings in digital assets, they begin to look for answers on the Internet. This book is written for such people, in it you can find answers to all the questions described above. All the terms and concepts from the world of cryptocurrencies in the book are explained in ordinary and understandable language. You can also find answers to such questions in the manual:

  • How does the blockchain work?
  • The main differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum
  • What factors influence the price of cryptocurrencies
  • How to choose the right thing to invest in

White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto

Of course, it was impossible to ignore the first book about cryptocurrency. Back in 2008, when the world did not yet know the word Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto wrote a book about the first cryptocurrency. It is difficult to call this work a full-fledged book, because it contains only 9 pages of text. The first readers received the book because of the online mailing list on the resource The title of the letter read: “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic money system.” A little later, a website was created, which the author used to distribute his book more widely. On nine pages of the book, it was briefly described that bitcoin is generated using the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm. The basis of the algorithm is the preservation of all operations based on the blockchain. The coin is mined in the process of transferring transactions within the network. The network participant (miner) confirms this transaction, as a result of which a new block is generated, which becomes part of the block chain. For this, miners receive a reward in the form of BTC. On January 3, 2009, the first block was generated, it became the starting point for the world of cryptocurrencies.

You can read more about what the creator of the first cryptocurrency told you on the pages of his book.


Unlike cinema, the authors of the books see a perspective in cryptocurrencies and write about it. Many of them share their personal experience, as well as talk about how the blockchain works. Almost all the books can be regarded as a kind of guide, therefore, they are useful for both beginners and experienced participants of the crypto industry.

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