RevenueBot is hugely enjoyable for its unique feature – a Volatility Analyzer. What makes our platform stand out from rivals is that this very feature enables our native bots to spot extremely volatile coins on the market in order to open a position in the timeliest manner possible.
How does a Volatility Analyzer work?
To use this brand new feature, do the following:
- Enable automatic pair switching. While In the bot settings, turn on the Automatic pair switching option and select the switching type – Volatility Analyzer;
- Distribute funds among the bots. If you wish to allocate funds between multiple bots, activate the Unique pair function. This will ensure that each of your bots use different coins one at a time, avoiding cross trades;
- Create a coin whitelist. Include desired coins in a whitelist and add there only those to be bought and sold by the bot. Alternatively, you can check out the built-in Top coins lists for easier selection.
Setting analysis timings
We suggest you setting these parameters to accurately detect the moment when a coin becomes volatile:
- Analysis period: 1 hr
- Analysis interval: 5 min
Adjusting parameters to spot volatility
- Price change (%). Specify the percentage of price change for the bot to consider the swings in value. Not only does the bot analyze spikes in value when buying some coin, but it also requires the price to bounce back to the starting point as a way to prove the coin volatility. Recommended percentage range is 0.3% to 0.5%;
- Minimum amount of price changes. Define a minimum number of truly significant price shifts for a coin to be recognized as volatile. It is best to set 2-3 fluctuations per 1-hour period.
- Trading volume limits. As long as you have a massive coinlist, you may choose a minimum trading volume to filter out less liquid assets.
Advanced settings
- Pumps and dumps filtering. Provide your preferences for the filters to exclude coins dropping or surging in price during the selected period. Doing so prevents false signals and protects your deposit.
Wrapping up
Once the setup is complete, test the Volatility Analyzer. Keep changing the configurations as you go and retest the bot to make sure it is detecting volatile coins properly and according to your parameters.
Volatility Analyzer by RevenueBot offers an entire powerhouse to automate your trading workflow across the whole crypto space. With the proper fine-tuning, you can boost your profits and safeguard your deposit from dramatic market shifts.
Enter the world of trading on leading crypto exchanges with RevenueBot!