News of the week. Friday, June 25

Friday, June 25. The week is coming to an end, so we can talk about the most interesting news in the crypto industry for this week.

Goldman Sachs and their first deal at JPMorgan

According to Bloomberg, the transaction took place on June 17. The Investment Bank received JPM Coin, a stable, in exchange for tokenized United States bonds.

«This was done primarily to digitize transactions» – says Matthew McDermott Director of Digital Assets.

The amount of the transfer was not named, only that it took about three hours. According to McDermott, knowing how long a deal can take is a very important difference when compared to other markets. Due to the smart contract, assets can be exchanged simultaneously. 

A REPO was launched (a transaction of purchase (sale) of a security with an obligation to sell (buy) back after a certain period at a price previously determined in this agreement.) at the Onyx site in December last year. Daily trading amounts to about $1 billion on it.

Spokeswoman Jessica Francisco says: «The corporation is negotiating to join the network of a dozen other bank customers.»

The DirtyMoe botnet infected about 65,000 Russian computers with miners

Avast has done research. It was revealed that in 2021 some 65,000 Russian computers were attacked by the DirtyMoe botnet. His main goal is to establish a covert mining program that will mine the cryptocurrency.

Developers at Avast say that the botnet has been active since 2017, and control over it is produced from China. The algorithm of the work is simple: on the PC of the future victim, the attackers install a number of programs that help DirtyMoe to constantly be present and conduct its work on the computer. Thus the PC joins the botnet.

Mining cryptocurrency is not the only thing DirtyMoe can do. Hackers also have the power to launch DDoS attacks or steal confidential information. You can also monitor keystrokes.

There are more than a hundred thousand systems with malware in total. But this is probably only a small part, because the study was conducted only on those PCs where Avast antivirus is installed.

It is quite simple to pick up malware. DirtyMoe gets along with spam, through malicious sites. According to experts from Avast, the best protection against a botnet will be if the user does not click on questionable links on suspicious sites.

John McAfee found dead in a prison cell

The creator of the McAfee antivirus, John McAfee, was found dead in one of the cells of a Spanish prison. The cause of death was suicide. McAfee was a millionaire who during his life managed to put his hand to many projects, including crypto assets. But his main merit is considered to be the creation of an antivirus, which for a long time bore the name of its creator McAfee. Today, the company is owned by Intel Corporation. John ended up in prison after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged McAfee with tax evasion from 2014 to 2018. This was not the first accusation against the millionaire. He was once the main suspect in the murder of his neighbor in Belize. Once someone poisoned John’s dogs and he began to suspect a neighbor of this, who constantly complained that dogs always bark and give him a rest. Some time later, a neighbor was found murdered in his own house. They began to suspect McAfee, who immediately went on the run.

But he failed to evade justice a second time and was arrested by the police at an airport in Barcelona.

Even though McAfee tweeted that his prison was okay with him, he decided to take his own life.

The Binance crypto exchange took part in the operation to calculate ransomware

There was confirmation from the Binance cryptocurrency exchange that they helped law enforcement agencies to calculate the scammers Clop and Petya.

Binance told about a group of cybercriminals who call themselves FANCYCAT. The group is laundering money that comes from illegal activities in the darknet. The total amount of damage from the activities of FANCY CAT is estimated at more than $500 million. They are obtained because of ransomware programs.

Specialized software from Binance noticed suspicious activity on the exchange. After that, the experts of the site began to monitor and analyze the activity of the group. Thanks to the fact that Finance analyzed the activity, the specialists managed to reach the participants of FANCY CAT.

It is worth recalling that last week, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine reported that they had identified the attackers who are behind the Clop cryptographers.

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