News of the week. Friday, October 29

Friday, October 29. The week is coming to an end, so we can talk about the most interesting news in the crypto industry over the past day.

Mastercard Announces Crypto Support

The American TV channel CNBC reports that the Mastercard payment system will soon announce support for cryptocurrencies in its network.

Card users and banks will be able to integrate digital assets into products. We are talking about bitcoin wallets, debit and credit cards, as well as loyalty points that can be converted into cryptocurrency.

Sherry Haymond, vice president of Mastercard payment system for digital partnerships, said the initiative would enable banks to compete with cryptocurrency exchanges.

The Bakkt platform will be a partner of Mastercard. She will become an intermediary for the sale and storage of cryptocurrencies.

According to Bakkt CEO Gavin Michael, companies will be able to independently set the rate for converting traditional points to bitcoins, thereby allowing customers to generate income.

It is worth recalling that Mastercard announced plans to accept payments in digital assets back in February 2021. In the spring, she conducted a survey, the results of which revealed that about 40% of customers are going to use digital assets.

Tesla is going to resume accepting cryptocurrencies

In a recent report to the SEC, Tesla hinted at the possibility of restoring the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment for products.

“We believe in the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies both as an investment and as a liquid alternative to cash,” the document says.

Before that, Tesla had a good period. The company’s market capitalization has crossed the $ 1 trillion threshold. Against this background, the automaker’s securities rose. In addition, the Hertz car rental company has agreed with Tesla to order 100,000 vehicles. The deal is valued at $ 4.2 billion.

Recall that at the beginning of the year, the electric car manufacturer invested $ 1.5 billion in the first cryptocurrency. The purchase price of one BTC was $ 34,963. In March, the company began selling cars for cryptocurrency in the United States and planned to use this practice around the world. However, in May, the acceptance of bitcoin stopped due to concerns about the environmental friendliness of mining the first cryptocurrency. Musk said this summer that Tesla will resume selling electric cars for Bitcoin when it confirms that at least half of the miners have switched to renewable energy.

Shiba Inu meme-coin was in the TOP-10 coins by capitalization

During the hype around the Shiba Inu meme, it was able to renew its all-time high and also get into the top 10 coins by capitalization. At the same time, it overtook such giants in other industries as Nissan and LG Electronics.

The hype started after it became known that the Robinhood platform might add a meme coin to the listing. After that, a petition was created in support of this idea. More than 300 thousand people have subscribed to it.

In addition to broker Robinhood, Bitcoin exchange Coinbase has also added support for Shiba Inu.

At the time of this writing, the market capitalization of the SHIB token is at around $39,785,956,283, and the coin itself is ranked ninth in the cryptocurrency rating.

Despite rumors that Elon Musk was involved in the token pump, the billionaire said that he did not invest in Shiba Inu.

The US believes that Russians and Ukrainians are hiding behind the Trickbot botnet

Six Russians and one Ukrainian are indicted in the case of the hacker group that has run Trickbot since 2016. According to their information, during this time the botnet managed to infect more than a million PCs. This is stated in the document of the court of the Northern District of Ohio.

The Ministry of Justice’s statement on the extradition of one of the accused says that he and six accomplices in the period from 2015 to 2020 infected computers with the Trickbot botnet, in order to steal money and personal data. They also damaged the computer systems of some people, financial institutions and companies.

As a reminder, the Trickbot botnet is one of the most popular Trojans among cybercriminals. It is used to infiltrate systems and further steal data, stealth mining and deploy ransomware.

The hacker group operated with the help of Trickbot in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Suriname. Also, this botnet is suspected of undermining the electoral process in the United States.

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