SparkPoint SRK Live Price Today

ð 0.000000045887
-2.0413 %
Today price in ETH
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ð 0.000000045887
-2.0413 %
Today price in ETH
Market Cap:
470.87 ETH
Trade volume:
9.755397 ETH
Circulating supply:
10272790238.07 SRK
SRK price Statistics
SparkPoint Price Today
Market cap rank: #2545
SparkPoint Price:
ð 0.000000045887
Price Change 24h:
-2.0413 %
24h high:
0.00000005 ETH
Trade volume 24h:
9.755397 ETH
24h low:
0.00000004 ETH
SparkPoint Price History
All time high:
0.00001391 ETH
Price change 1h:
-0.26473 %
Price change 7d:
-1.8887 %
All time low:
0.00000003 ETH
Price change 24h:
0.6843 %
Price change 1y:
-61.25678 %
SparkPoint Supply
Circulating supply:
10272790238.07 SRK
Total supply:
13094612245.21 SRK
SparkPoint Market Cap
Market cap change 24h:
0.53269 %
Market cap:
470.87 ETH
Market cap change 24h:
ð 2.49

SparkPoint (SRK)

What Is SparkPoint (SRK)? SparkPoint or officially, SparkPoint Technologies Inc., is a duly registered corporation in the Philippines under the SEC. The project was launched on October 5, 2018 and is one of the pioneer cryptocurrency startups in the Philippines. The project aims to fast track mainstream adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency through an ecosystem of practical products and services. SparkPoint started with an initial funding of $50,000. With only this minimal capital combined with discipline, determination, and hard work, the team was able to launch various blockchain-based products and services including SparkPoint Wallet, SparkLearn, SparkPlay, SparkEarn, and SparkDeFi. These products and services have collectively reached hundreds of thousands of users and are steadily growing. The SparkPoint Ecosystem is composed of: SparkPoint Wallet Non-custodial mobile cryptocurrency wallet that natively supports various cryptocurrencies including SparkPoint (SRK), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), and other ERC-20 tokens. It also offers built-in Decentralized Exchanges including Uniswap, ChangeNOW, and Changelly. A virtual currency exchange (VCE) license application is ongoing to legally enable fiat integration in the SparkPoint Wallet. SparkLearn E-learning platform focused on educational content about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and financial literacy. The platform currently offers free courses for these topics and is continuously being improved through UI/UX enhancements, onboarding of new mentors, and integrating a Learn-to-Earn model. Education is at the heart of SparkPoint. SparkPlay Collection of mobile casual games with cryptocurrency as central theme. Currently available games include Crypto Slicer, Crypto Burst, and Crypto Shooter. Tournaments and achievement bounties are being conducted regularly as part of SparkPlay’s Play-to-Earn (P2E) gaming model. P2E is an emerging paradigm in gaming where a significant chunk of value goes to players. Using blockchain technology, players are empowered to truly own game items and earn cryptocurrency rewards. SparkEarn SparkPoint referral and rewards program where users can earn SRK and other tokens from sponsors by performing simple bounties. SparkEarn accounts are also currently being used as a single sign-on (SSO) account for SparkLearn and future SparkPoint services including SparkPlay and SparkDeFi. SparkDeFi A governance token-based platform that empowers individuals to unlock the true value of their cryptocurrency assets. SparkDeFi offers an AMM Decentralized Exchange, Liquidity and Pool-Based Staking, P2P Lending and Borrowing, and DeFi Assets Protocols Management in a seamless, transparent, secure, inclusive, and interoperable approach. Features of SparkDeFi that are already available include: - Liquidity Staking - Pool-Based Staking - SparkBridge for bridging ERC-20 SRK (Ethereum) to Binance Smart Chain as BEP-20 SRKb token - SparkSwap AMM Exchange. An early preview of our automated market maker decentralized exchange. SRK is the native utility token that is used for: - Payment for SparkLearn courses - Prizes in SparkPlay tournaments and achievements - Payment for SparkPlay game NFTs - Rewards for completing bounties in SparkEarn - Rewards for Liquidity Providers and Stakers - Payment for SparkPoint IT-BPO services How Many SRK Tokens Are There in Circulation? The SRK token was launched on the Ethereum mainnet on March 14, 2019 with an initial total supply of 20 billion SRK tokens. A series of token burns have reduced the total supply down to 14,368,540,937 SRK tokens. Quarterly token burns are scheduled in the future to reduce the total supply to its final fixed maximum value of 10 billion SRK tokens. There are currently 6,486,932,911 SRK tokens in circulation. Of the initial total supply, 20% of the tokens were distributed to private sale participants. A minimal amount was allocated for sale to avoid any sudden fall in the price of SRK in the market. 7% of the tokens were allocated for marketing and airdrops, and 10% for community development programs. Majority of the tokens were allocated for SparkPoint Ecosystem Development at 38%. Most of the tokens that were burned were also part of this allocation. As for the rest of the tokens, 10% were allocated for the Founders, 5% for the current team, another 5% for future team members, and the remaining 5% for advisors. Who Are the Founders of SparkPoint? SparkPoint is the brainchild of Andrino Agnas, a CPA and cryptocurrency investor based in the Philippines. Andy currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of SparkPoint. Rico Zuñiga, a serial tech entrepreneur and early advisor of SparkPoint, currently serves as its Chief Technology Officer. Rico has been in the tech industry for more than 16 years and is one of the pioneers in the Philippine tech startup industry. SparkPoint started with a staff of 2 in 2018 and was able to grow to 17 full-time and 5 part-time employees in Q1 2021. The company continues to rapidly expand and grow to ensure the delivery of its roadmap. Where Can You Buy SparkPoint (SRK)? SRK is available for trading on a growing number of exchanges, with cryptocurrency and stablecoin pairs currently available. BitMart currently offers the best liquidity for SRK with support for both SRK/BTC and SRK/ETH pairs. Uniswap offers a decentralized option for trading SRK with Ethereum (ETH) and other ERC-20 tokens. P2PB2B offers a Tether (USDT) option.

About SparkPoint

SparkPoint is ranked #2545 by market capitalization. Currently the SRK market cap exceeds 470.87 Ethereum. By market capitalization it is ranked #2545. Daily trade volume is 9.755397 ETH.

The SparkPoint price today in ETH is 0.000000045887. Through the SparkPoint price history, the price ranges from 0.00001391 ETH (all time high) to 0.00000003 ETH (all time low). SparkPoint price last 24 hours fluctuated from 0.00000005 ETH (24h high) to 0.00000004 ETH (24h low).

Check the SparkPoint value today and exchange rates with more than 15 cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies including USD EUR GBP CNY JPY BRL RUB UAH INR CZK VND TRY CHF SEK BTC ETH BNB

SparkPoint links


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SparkPoint Exchanges

SparkPoint live price may differ in various exchanges. Check SRK real-time data to make informed decisions.
Uniswap (v2)

SparkPoint FAQ

You can buy SparkPoint on decentralised or centralised exchanges, via p2p transfers or in individual direct transactions. REVENUEBOT offers an automated trading bot that helps among other things to buy and sell SRK at predefined levels. This way, no matter, day or night, there is no chance to miss the next move. The REVENUEBOT SparkPoint trading robot will buy and sell following the strategy chosen by you.

In short, yes. But manual transactions, however fast, still can not be done in less than a second. That is why automated trading took over both traditional and crypto financial markets. Use the current price of SparkPoint and trade with REVENUEBOT in less than a second.

In short, only if the current value of SparkPoint will be less than the value of SparkPoint at the moment of selling in the future. The SparkPoint chart can only assist the SparkPoint value today versus tomorrow, or the distant future. No one can guarantee you the profit but the REVENUEBOT is free until it brings you money. Please note that information concerning current SparkPoint value or any other information on this page can not be considered investment, trading, financial advice or any sort of recommendation to act in the financial market. The content is provided for informational purposes only.

The answer to these questions depends on the SRK supply. Check the SparkPoint live chart to see the current supply and predict how long it will take for the coins to run out. The total supply of SparkPoint is 13094612245.21 SRK, while SRK circulation supply now is 10272790238.07 SRK.

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