Why is Bitcoin so expensive?

In 2021, the first cryptocurrency hit its all-time high twice. In November, the coin rate was $ 69,000. This attracted public attention and people who were never interested in digital assets and blockchain came to the crypto industry. At the same time, many still cannot understand why the price of the first cryptocurrency is growing. In this article, we will try to figure out what drives the rise in bitcoin prices.

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How to make money on cryptocurrency for a beginner?

Just a few years ago, only crypto enthusiasts were interested in digital assets, who invested in the first cryptocurrency and believed in the growth of its rate. Today the market offers a lot of different cryptocurrencies and technologies with which a beginner can try to make money. This is due to the growing popularity of digital assets, as well as their course. We will talk about how a newcomer to the cryptocurrency market can make money in this article.

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Successful Crypto Trader: Basic Rules

Many newcomers to the crypto industry are faced with the problem of choosing: invest or trade? If everything is more or less clear with investments – you choose the asset you like and invest in it, then the situation with trading is a little more complicated. There is an opinion that digital asset trading is considered to be almost the fastest way to make money and increase capital. But is it really so? In this article, we will give a few tips to follow while trading, and then, perhaps, you can make money on the crypto.

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Is daily profit on the crypto exchange – real?

In the crypto market, the ability to make daily profits is realized using one rather old strategy. Thanks to her, traders are able to receive income in a short time period. The strategy originated in the last century, in the traditional market, after which it migrated to Forex, and now it has reached the cryptocurrency sector. As many might have guessed, we will talk about scalping. In this article, we will tell you what this strategy is, how you can use it and whether it is worth spending time on it at all.

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