BTCUSD exchange rate forecast on March 28 — April 3, 2022

Fortunately, the previous week for the crypto market saw a break out of the sideways trend. As expected, the breakout ended upwards. Overcoming resistance around $45,000 and reaching $47,000, the first-ever crypto has managed to pave the way for a test of the next resistance around $52,000. Which way it will be, we’ll break it down in our traditional bitcoin-to-dollar forecast.

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Deep-pocketed oldness. Will crypto help you in retirement?

Many of us want a poverty-free old age, as well as to travel, to stop worrying about money and just to enjoy life. That being said, the truth is that it’s not always possible to live carefree solely on an allowance. Most modern retirees can barely make ends meet. But what about us, those who are just getting there? Rising inflation erodes all savings, and it is not always clear which stocks to invest in for the long term. That’s when crypto may be of help. The value of individual coins has already shown that it can climb several times in a year. So now to meet a worry-free old age, you can invest in crypto and wait for financial prosperity? The following article will tell you whether digital assets are suitable for retirement savings.

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Bitcoin nomads: how a family gets by with just bitcoin

So many wonder whether it is possible to live using only digital assets. The Taihuttu family put their own example to show that it is possible. In 2017, with their three daughters, the couple decided to make a drastic life change. They sold a large house, several cars and all their other possessions, leaving the proceeds to buy bitcoin. Since then, the family has visited more than 40 countries, each time paying with digital assets only. Over that time Didi, the head of the family, has spoken around the world at blockchain conferences, authored a book, set up an online store, and now actively mentors crypto startups and donates money to charity. Now, the family believes that the first-ever cryptocurrency will soon be worth $100,000, the main reason why they are not selling most of the coins. Reveal how the Taihuttu family decided to become digital bitcoin nomads and how they survived the 2018-2019 bear market in this article.

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BTCUSD exchange rate forecast on March 21 — 27, 2022

The previous week for the cryptocurrency market turned out positive. The U.S. Fed raised the rate to 0.5% on March 16, which is by far good news. Jerome Powell, head of the Federal Reserve, stated at a press conference that the regulator does not plan to react emotionally to inflation and current geopolitical circumstances. The rate will go up as many times as necessary.

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GMT/BUSD – What about this Pairs trade?

“What about this Pairs trade?” is a new format of introductory articles created by RevenueBot. Every week we will be providing you with updates on a new trading pair that has reached the top, according to the transactions completed through the platform. In addition to providing information about the token, we will also check the trading pair in a bot simulation and see how much of a profit the trader could have made on it, over a period covering the past 60 days.

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Cryptocities: Utopia or Territory of the Future

There has long been a growing trend in developed countries toward greater independence in the management of individual cities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities of the countries had to undertake some unpopular measures, especially regarding the financial sector. Local governances came to think about how to tackle the issue of greater decentralization in management. Among these solutions could be cryptocities, an early initiative launched by crypto-enthusiasts and embraced by city mayors. In some places, it’s just the use of cryptocurrency in the financial system, and in others everything goes much more than that. In this article, we will examine what cryptocities are and when we can look out for them.

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Stablecoins: pros and cons

Nowadays, the national economy and the ruble in particular are in a weakened state due to the circumstances in Ukraine. Scores of people want to somehow preserve their savings and begin to look for ways to invest. Then the choices are: stocks, foreign currency, precious metals and cryptocurrency. In the midst of this dollar backdrop against the ruble, lots of people wish to invest in foreign currency. On crypto exchanges, an analogue of the dollar is presented, specifically, USDT. Read on to find out what stablecoins are and how to use them.

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BTCUSD exchange rate forecast on March 14 — 20, 2022

As expected, the previous week passed without visible changes for the crypto market. The sideways trend will last until the news is either positive or negative. It should be an eventful week. To start with, the Fed will finally take action on the rate issue at a meeting, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict there is progress in negotiations. Let us break down what the coming week will be like considering crypto market in the this weekly bitcoin-to-dollar forecast

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