MetaTrace TRC Live Price Today

0.01989 %
Today price in RUB
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0.01989 %
Today price in RUB
Market Cap:
947.35M+ RUB
Trade volume:
58,803,385 RUB
Circulating supply:
240500095.28 TRC
TRC price Statistics
MetaTrace Price Today
Market cap rank: #1413
MetaTrace Price:
Price Change 24h:
0.01989 %
24h high:
3.95 RUB
Trade volume 24h:
58,803,385 RUB
24h low:
3.92 RUB
MetaTrace Price History
All time high:
12.82 RUB
Price change 1h:
-0.06332 %
Price change 7d:
-2.78932 %
All time low:
1.7 RUB
Price change 24h:
0.01989 %
Price change 1y:
0 %
MetaTrace Supply
Circulating supply:
240500095.28 TRC
Total supply:
4998450000 TRC
Max supply:
4998450000 TRC
MetaTrace Market Cap
Market cap change 24h:
0.14077 %
Market cap:
947.35M+ RUB
Market cap change 24h:

MetaTrace (TRC)

## What is MetaTrace? MetaTrace is the world's first GameFi project featuring a Free to Play and Earn model on a real-world map. The MetaTrace application is a game incorporating a variety of game mechanics aimed at combining geolocation, blockchain environments, and classic game strategies. It is based on augmented reality technology, which offers users a unique gaming experience and an easy immersion into the world of Web3 technologies. Project team is diligently working on creating a platform that will allow each player to realize their ideas and become the creator of their own adventures. The application is developed by professionals with experience working in top gaming studios: Niantic (Pokemon Go), Wargaming (World of Tanks), Kama Games, Game Insight, and others. The virtual map of MetaTrace is a replica of the real world, reflecting our entire globe. Every step you take in the real world impacts the events occurring within the game. Your physical activity is reflected in the game space, and your avatar accurately replicates your movements. Explore the space and find rewards in Boxes. Each box contains ACE tokens, various NFTs for participating in mini-games. ## What is MetaTrace's mission? Project's team primary mission is to inspire and motivate millions of people to have more contact with the real world and engage in physical activity every day. MetaTrace believes that they can introduce players to the world around them in a new way, help them broaden their horizons, meet people, and explore new locations. Collect digital artifacts within your city and interact with other players, forge friendships, and exchange resources in MetaTrace. MetaTrace is not inventing new "utopian" metaverses and virtual worlds; instead, project team enhances the real world with interactive elements using Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. This allows players to feel each challenge more intensely, meet with friends more often, and actively develop beyond the game. MetaTrace also set an ambitious goal for themselves: to introduce tens of millions of users to the world of Web3 technologies. ## What are principles of MetaTrace? - Engaging and understandable gameplay is the primary focus of the project team. - Qualitative Free-to-play, freedom for players to choose their own game format, and the possibility to use NFTs for advanced users. - The stability of the game economy always takes precedence over scaling and profitability. - Transparency and attention to communication with players. It is important for us to be open with our community and improve the product based on user feedback. All information about the project, as well as the team, is publicly available. - Forming prize pools for players through a clear business model. - Simplicity and accessibility of Web3 solutions in the game, convenience for beginners. - The security of each user's personal data. - Active blocking of farming and combat against it in the game. ## What are advantages of MetaTrace? Decentralization We offer you a complete control over your gaming assets. Thanks to NFT technology, every item, character, or artifact you own in MetaTrace becomes unique and irreplaceable. You can be confident that no one can counterfeit, alter, or steal your assets. This gives you complete freedom to own, trade, and collect NFTs. Communication A unique experience of interacting with other players. You will be able to communicate, unite, compete, and collaborate with players from all over the world. Our platform provides safe and transparent transactions, allowing you to confidently interact with other players and trust them. You can create teams, exchange assets, and jointly explore the virtual world. Rewards You can earn cryptocurrency for gaming achievements. Your talent, skill, luck, experience, and game knowledge become the foundation for receiving rewards. You can sell your unique gaming assets or offer services to other players. We stimulate and encourage the community's contribution to creating a stable economic system. Stability We are building a truly stable and fundamental economic system that has incorporated the most successful ways of monetization, reward distribution, onboarding, and other aspects. As you dive into our project and develop your profile, you can be confident in the project's longevity and robustness. Technology scalability Explore the real world at the intersection of technologies. Today, you use our map, a copy of the world, for orientation in the game, "tomorrow" it could be augmented reality glasses. Become the most experienced among the players and you will be amazed by the opportunities that will open up for you in the future. Our platform is constantly updated and evolves, offering the latest technological developments and content consumption during gaming adventures.

About MetaTrace

MetaTrace is ranked #1413 by market capitalization. Currently the TRC market cap exceeds 947.35M+ Russian ruble. By market capitalization it is ranked #1413. Daily trade volume is 58,803,385 RUB.

The MetaTrace price today in RUB is 3.94. Through the MetaTrace price history, the price ranges from 12.82 RUB (all time high) to 1.7 RUB (all time low). MetaTrace price last 24 hours fluctuated from 3.95 RUB (24h high) to 3.92 RUB (24h low).

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MetaTrace Exchanges

MetaTrace live price may differ in various exchanges. Check TRC real-time data to make informed decisions.

MEXC Global
Bybit (Spot)

MetaTrace FAQ

You can buy MetaTrace on decentralised or centralised exchanges, via p2p transfers or in individual direct transactions. REVENUEBOT offers an automated trading bot that helps among other things to buy and sell TRC at predefined levels. This way, no matter, day or night, there is no chance to miss the next move. The REVENUEBOT MetaTrace trading robot will buy and sell following the strategy chosen by you.

In short, yes. But manual transactions, however fast, still can not be done in less than a second. That is why automated trading took over both traditional and crypto financial markets. Use the current price of MetaTrace and trade with REVENUEBOT in less than a second.

In short, only if the current value of MetaTrace will be less than the value of MetaTrace at the moment of selling in the future. The MetaTrace chart can only assist the MetaTrace value today versus tomorrow, or the distant future. No one can guarantee you the profit but the REVENUEBOT is free until it brings you money. Please note that information concerning current MetaTrace value or any other information on this page can not be considered investment, trading, financial advice or any sort of recommendation to act in the financial market. The content is provided for informational purposes only.

The answer to these questions depends on the TRC supply. Check the MetaTrace live chart to see the current supply and predict how long it will take for the coins to run out. The total supply of MetaTrace is 4998450000 TRC, while TRC circulation supply now is 240500095.28 TRC.

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