SpiceUSD USDS Live Price Today

R$ 0.554152
-0.68673 %
Today price in BRL
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R$ 0.554152
-0.68673 %
Today price in BRL
Market Cap:
4.61M+ BRL
Trade volume:
46.28 BRL
Circulating supply:
8309089.13 USDS
USDS price Statistics
SpiceUSD Price Today
Market cap rank: #2880
SpiceUSD Price:
R$ 0.554152
Price Change 24h:
-0.68673 %
24h high:
0.564825 BRL
Trade volume 24h:
46.28 BRL
24h low:
0.550915 BRL
SpiceUSD Price History
All time high:
5.59 BRL
Price change 1h:
-0.68663 %
Price change 7d:
-0.02586 %
All time low:
0.302508 BRL
Price change 24h:
-0.03391 %
Price change 1y:
-13.48954 %
SpiceUSD Supply
Circulating supply:
8309089.13 USDS
Total supply:
19436004.12 USDS
SpiceUSD Market Cap
Market cap change 24h:
0.14619 %
Market cap:
4.61M+ BRL
Market cap change 24h:
R$ 6,7K+


The core thesis of the Spice Trade protocol is that, there's a massive need for a decentralized, on-chain, open-source, value-stable, scalable, modular, cross-chain, and capital-efficient system for trade among people of the world. Furthermore, such a system should have deep, long-term, and protocol-owned liquidity to reduce friction and maintain tight pegs. It is our belief that creating such a system brings us one step closer to creating a more peaceful and prosperous future for mankind. The first step in building such a system is to re-think 'money' based on the following principles: On-chain and decentralized: Reduce custodial risk. This stands in direct contrast to centralized stable coins that may have significant custodial risk. Value-stable: Frictionless trade requires using money whose value does not significantly fluctuate. Value stable is a relative term. For example, depending on the use case, the best money should be designed to be stable relative to national currencies (Such as USD or Euro), a basket of currencies, an inflation adjusted currency, in-game virtual currencies, reward points (imagine a stable coin that traces a hotel or airline point system on chain) etc. The Spice Trade platform allows building appropriate on-chain decentralized money for all these use cases. Scalable: Money is a tool of trade. The last thing a successful trade network needs is friction in scaling its monetary system. Modular: As we will demonstrate in the rest of this whitepaper, the Spice Trade protocol is fully modular to accommodate both immediately predicted needs as well future unknown use cases. Open-Source: Creating an open-source ecosystem where anyone with a good idea can contribute and build on top of the Spice Trade protocol is one of our core values Capital-Efficient: While over-collateralized on-chain stable coins pioneered the non-custodial money movement, we believe they will play a relatively smaller role in the future of money. Let us present the following hypothetical scenario in the real-world economy to demonstrate the point: Imagine we remove all the currencies in the world. Then, in order to generate any new fiat dollar (so that trade can resume), someone has to take a mortgage against their physical assets, and only then money is generated to enter the circulation. This would create such a tight monetary system that any real world economy would come to a screeching halt and collapse. And recent market trends reflects the above reasoning as well. Over-collateralized on-chain stable coins are falling further behind in market cap rankings relative to both centralized and on-chain algo-stable stable coins due to capital inefficiency. Cross-Chain: History has shown that technology continuously evolves and improves upon itself. And any product, community, or nation that does not evolve with it will ultimately get left behind. As such, we strongly believe that any successful decentralized product that wants to withstand the test of time needs to be a meta concept that stays above any particular blockchain (or blockchain technology) and can easily be extended and expanded from one chain to another. For example, while Proof-of-Stake seems to be the current king of consensus-building algorithms, who knows what the future might bring. Why build a chain based on today's technology and trap your protocol in it, when we know that the blockchain of the future may look significantly different than that of today? Protocol-Owned Liquidity based on Starfish Topology: As discussed in future sections, the Spice Trade protocol is designed to have significant liquidity with practically zero cost by building on the concept of Starfish Topology (pioneered by RadioShack: https://docs.radioshack.org/radioshack-defi/terms/disclaimer) Spice Trade is the first protocol to encapsulate all of the above principles into a suite of value-stable products.

About SpiceUSD

SpiceUSD is ranked #2880 by market capitalization. Currently the USDS market cap exceeds 4.61M+ Brazilian Real. By market capitalization it is ranked #2880. Daily trade volume is 46.28 BRL.

The SpiceUSD price today in BRL is 0.554152. Through the SpiceUSD price history, the price ranges from 5.59 BRL (all time high) to 0.302508 BRL (all time low). SpiceUSD price last 24 hours fluctuated from 0.564825 BRL (24h high) to 0.550915 BRL (24h low).

Check the SpiceUSD value today and exchange rates with more than 15 cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies including USD EUR GBP CNY JPY BRL RUB UAH INR CZK VND TRY CHF SEK BTC ETH BNB

SpiceUSD links

Homepage: https://www.spicetrade.ai/

Block explorers: https://snowtrace.io/token/0xaB05b04743E0aeAF9D2cA81E5D3b8385e4BF961e https://avascan.info/blockchain/c/address/0xaB05b04743E0aeAF9D2cA81E5D3b8385e4BF961e/token https://polygonscan.com/token/0xaB05b04743E0aeAF9D2cA81E5D3b8385e4BF961e https://polygonscan.com/token/0x2f1b1662A895C6Ba01a99DcAf56778E7d77e5609 https://etherscan.io/token/0x45fDb1b92a649fb6A64Ef1511D3Ba5Bf60044838 https://ethplorer.io/address/0x45fDb1b92a649fb6A64Ef1511D3Ba5Bf60044838 https://bscscan.com/token/0xde7d1ce109236b12809c45b23d22f30dba0ef424 https://binplorer.com/address/0xde7d1ce109236b12809c45b23d22f30dba0ef424


Twitter: https://twitter.com/spicetradeai/

SpiceUSD Exchanges

SpiceUSD live price may differ in various exchanges. Check USDS real-time data to make informed decisions.

RadioShack (BSC)
RadioShack (Polygon)


You can buy SpiceUSD on decentralised or centralised exchanges, via p2p transfers or in individual direct transactions. REVENUEBOT offers an automated trading bot that helps among other things to buy and sell USDS at predefined levels. This way, no matter, day or night, there is no chance to miss the next move. The REVENUEBOT SpiceUSD trading robot will buy and sell following the strategy chosen by you.

In short, yes. But manual transactions, however fast, still can not be done in less than a second. That is why automated trading took over both traditional and crypto financial markets. Use the current price of SpiceUSD and trade with REVENUEBOT in less than a second.

In short, only if the current value of SpiceUSD will be less than the value of SpiceUSD at the moment of selling in the future. The SpiceUSD chart can only assist the SpiceUSD value today versus tomorrow, or the distant future. No one can guarantee you the profit but the REVENUEBOT is free until it brings you money. Please note that information concerning current SpiceUSD value or any other information on this page can not be considered investment, trading, financial advice or any sort of recommendation to act in the financial market. The content is provided for informational purposes only.

The answer to these questions depends on the USDS supply. Check the SpiceUSD live chart to see the current supply and predict how long it will take for the coins to run out. The total supply of SpiceUSD is 19436004.12 USDS, while USDS circulation supply now is 8309089.13 USDS.

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