MIR/BUSD – What about this Pairs trade?

“What about this Pairs trade?” is a new format of introductory articles created by RevenueBot. Every week we will be providing you with updates on a new trading pair that has reached the top, according to the transactions completed through the platform. In addition to providing information  about the token, we will also check the trading pair in a bot simulation and see how much of a profit the trader could have made on it, over a period covering the past 60 days.

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Meta vs Epic Games: comparing the two metaverses

Among the companies that develop metaverses, two stand out – Meta and Epic Games. They both set the goal of creating a virtual world with the integration of their own products, where there will be their own economic system. Read on to find out what pilot projects both companies are using to implement their ideas and what kind of user experience they will offer in the future.

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Crypto industry glossary

The crypto industry is fraught with a variety of words in this niche. A new market player is immersed in a yet unknown environment. When they start exploring the stuff, things get more complicated. You can often run across terms in articles that are simply difficult for newcomers to understand. Most of these terms were coined right in the crypto industry, so even an experienced investor who came from the traditional market may not grasp all of them. We will cover the most popular terms in this article and explain what they mean.

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WAVES/BUSD – What about this Pairs trade?

“What about this Pairs trade?” is a new format of introductory articles created by RevenueBot. Every week we will be providing you with updates on a new trading pair that has reached the top, according to the transactions completed through the platform. In addition to providing information  about the token, we will also check the trading pair in a bot simulation and see how much of a profit the trader could have made on it, over a period covering the past 60 days.

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BTCUSD exchange rate forecast on March 7 — 12, 2022

As expected, bitcoin market was in the sideways trend during the last week. There is still uncertainty in geopolitics and the Fed’s monetary policy. The appreciation of the dollar against a reserve currencies basket also had an impact on the first cryptocurrency. Let us analyze what awaits the cryptocurrency market in the coming week in our usual BTCUSD exchange rate forecast.

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BTCUSD exchange rate forecast on February 28 — March 6, 2022

The previous week didn’t bring any major changes to the crypto market. As expected, bitcoin market is flat for now. The main reason for the market being flat is the general uncertainty due to the circumstances in Ukraine. In addition, it is because of the vagueness about the U.S. Federal Reserve’s monetary policy has also increased. Since cryptocurrency is a risky asset, investors get rid of it during such events. However, there is another side: sanctions and the surge of the dollar against the ruble, prompt people to take note of digital assets. Let us analyze what awaits the cryptocurrency market in the coming week in our usual BTCUSD exchange rate forecast.

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